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Policies concerning the usage of local computing resources
- The following rules are put in place to allow a fair share of resources between the users. In case you violate these rules your account could be disabled.
- In case you have specific needs concerning storage or CPU please contact the site administrators on T2bSupport.
User Interface policy
- All user interfaces are running Centos 7 .
- The following machines are for light tasks, such as:
- Crab submission
- small interactive root processes
- building code
- debugging code
- Cluster job submission
HTCondor cluster: m2.iihe.ac.be, m3.iihe.ac.be | Old PBS Cluster: m0.iihe.ac.be, m1.iihe.ac.be
- The following machines are available for CPU-intensive tasks and workflow testing:
HTCondor cluster: m6.iihe.ac.be, m7.iihe.ac.be | Old PBS Cluster: m5.iihe.ac.be, m8.iihe.ac.be and m9.iihe.ac.be
This policy is enforced. Processes taking more than 20 minutes CPU on M0->M3 will be killed by the operating system. This limit is set to 1 (5) hours on M5->M8. On M9 the limit is set to 500 hours
Disk space usage policy
- Users can have several locations to store their files/analysis code/final results/...
- The /user partition on the UIs (m-machines) is limited to 100-500 GB per user (depending on Experiment).
- This space should be used as working environment, eg. to checkout code, store results,... It should not be used to store large datasets.
- The /pnfs area has a soft limit of 20TB per user.
- This area should contain the sometimes large dataset needed for physics analysis.
- In case one needs more space, please contact the site admins here.
- The /user partition on the UIs (m-machines) is limited to 100-500 GB per user (depending on Experiment).
- Semi-Automatic removal of old files on /pnfs is done every 3 months.
- All files not accessed in 1 year need to be explicitely un-flagged by the user in order to keep them
- All other files CAN be marked by the user for deletion
- Several mails will be send to remind all users to do this.
- These mails will be send in a span of ~1month, after which the admins will proceed to the deletion of all flagged files.
- More information is found on the deletion page: http://mon.iihe.ac.be/OldPnfsFiles
- If you need an account on this page, please ask the admins (grid_adminNOSPAM@listserv.vub.ac.be)
Back-up procedures of files
- The is a local backup (snapshot mechanism) of the user home directories (for more detailed info, see Backup
- This back-up is made every day and we can go back day by day till last week. This is to address e.g. user small mistaken deletions.
- Users are strongly advised to not solely rely on this backup. Using a versioning system (GIT) should prevent accidental removal of files and allowas a user to go back to a previous file when the file was messed up. We don't maintain a CVS repository ourselves but the CMS one should be used, more info here
- The entire user home directories are backed up every week in a physically separated hardware. This is to address catastrophe scenario.
Memory usage on the grid
- To protect the grid, there is an upper memory limit per job of 2.0GB (this is larger than what is asked by CMS) for the physical and the virtual memory.
- If your job exceeds this limit, it will be killed by the queueing system.
- in you crab error log, you will find an error code 271
- if you use direct submission, the reason will be clearly stated in your error log