Getting started with the CMSSW software at IIHE
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A few words on our User Interfaces
- The policies for usage of the User Interfaces can be found here. Please read them carefully.
Login to a machine and define the CMS environment variables
- Login to a user interface :
ssh -X <tt>whoami</tt>
- Source the CMS environment :
source $VO_CMS_SW_DIR/
- or for tcsh :
source $VO_CMS_SW_DIR/cmsset_default.csh
- Adapt your SCRAM_ARCH environment variable :
Keep in mind that this initial source will affect the value of the environment variable SCRAM_ARCH. Depending on which UI you are, SCRAM_ARCH can take two different values : slc4_ia32_gcc345 for UIs in SL4, and slc5_ia32_gcc434 for UIs in SL5. As a practical consequence, if you want to work with CMSSW releases older than CMSSW_3_4_0 on an SL5 UI, than you must change SCRAM_ARCH :
export SCRAM_ARCH=slc4_ia32_gcc345
If you want to use CMSSW4 releases, then you must set SCRAM_ARCH like this :
export SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc434
- Define the code cvs repository :
export CVSROOT=:ext:<your user name>
- or for tcsh :
setenv CVSROOT :ext:<your user name>
- where you replace <your user name> by your user name at cern, and make a kerberos token :
log in with your cern password.
Prepare the CMSSW working area
- First, list the CMSSW versions installed locally
scramv1 list scramv1 list | grep CMSSW
These commands also show the paths to the installation directories.
- Select the version you want to work with (here: CMSSW_2_2_6)
- Install a CMSSW working area, go to the src subdirectory and prepare to compile and run
scramv1 p CMSSW CMSSW_4_4_5 cd CMSSW_4_4_5/src eval `scramv1 runtime -sh`
Get the necessary code
- checkout the source code of the libraries that you want to use or modify. Here we will produce a few fastsim ttbar events with production of a PAT-tree in the end:
cvs co -r CMSSW_4_4_5 PhysicsTools/PatAlgos/test; cd PhysicsTools/PatAlgos/test
Run CMSSW interactively and produce a few events
The parameters for CMSSW are specified in a text file called the config file. Run it with the command:
You should see one root file appear: PATLayer1_Output.fromScratch_fast.root
At this stage you should learn more about CMSSW and PAT by studying the CMSSW Workbook.
If you meet troubles, please have a look in our FAQ : FAQ CMSSW on the Grid on proxy and more!