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ARGUS server and glexec on the workernodes
ARGUS cheat-sheet
- General service reference wiki for argus server:
- Below follows some site specific configurations
Start/stop services
- Beware: the order of starting/stopping the services is important!
/opt/argus/pap/sbin/pap-standalone start #needs to be started before pdp /opt/argus/pdp/sbin/ start /opt/argus/pepd/sbin/ start
- In case a new set of policies needs to be applied the pdp component needs to be reloaded:
/etc/init.d/pdp reloadpolicy /etc/init.d/pepd clearcache
Log files and monitoring
- Log files on the argus server
/opt/argus/pap/logs/pap-standalone.log /opt/argus/pdp/logs/ /opt/argus/pepd/logs/
- Links to monitoring pages
- The log files tend to become rather big
- Configuration is done through *.ini files in following directories
/opt/argus/pap/conf/ /opt/argus/pdp/logs/ /opt/argus/pepd/logs/
specific considerations
- The argus server needs to share its gridmapdir with the creamce
- Setting up site policies by hand:
- Setting up site policies by translating the groupmap file
cd /root ./ /opt/glite/etc/lcmaps/groupmapfile > my-policy.spl /opt/argus/pap/bin/pap-admin add-policies-from-file my-policy.spl
- Don't forget to reload the policies when adding new policies
glexec on the WNs cheat-sheet
Start/stop services
- No services run on the workernodes
Log files and monitoring
- log-only mode: syslog. eg.
/var/log/messages (| grep glexec)
- setuid mode:
- See argus server for glexec SAM test
- This file contains the user_white_list to specify users allowed to run glexec
- increase verbosity level log_level = 1(up to 5)
specific considerations
- debugging the glexec installation:
- debugging results at another site:
Debugging a faulty argus test
Restart Argus
service restart argus
This will call all the dependent services (like PAP and PEP) to restart.
Grimapdir mount
Gridmapdir must be mounted on argus, cream and the WN:
ls /etc/grid-security/gridmapdir/
should give an list of directories
Test access with glexec
- Find a valid valid proxy in /pooluser
- su to this user (same name as the directory
- launch the following command:
export X509_USER_PROXY=/pooluser/pilocms006/x509up_u20606 export GLEXEC_CLIENT_CERT=${GLEXEC_CLIENT_CERT:-$X509_USER_PROXY} $GLITE_LOCATION/sbin/glexec /usr/bin/whoami
- This should return a user name if all went well.
- In case of error, look at the log file
tailf /var/log/glexec/lcas_lcmaps.log
Installation of ARGUS server
- The following templates have been updated from the lal repo (June 29th 2011)
- /QWG-lal/grid/glite-3.2/machine-types/argus.tpl -> was up to date
- /QWG-lal/os/sl550-x86_64/config/glite/3.2/argus.tpl -> was up to date
- /QWG-lal/grid/glite-3.2/glite/argus/ (machine definitions)
- config.tpl -> was up to date
- pap.tpl -> updated
- pdp.tpl -> updated
- pep.tpm -> updated
- service.tpl -> was up to date
- rpms/config.tpl -> was up to date
- rpms/x86_64/config.tpl -> was up to date
- Adding the argus host template
- /CBv6/cfg/sites/ulb-vub/hardware/machine/Virtual/virtual_kvm_argus.tpl
- change the name + add virtual mac addresses
- /CBv6/cfg/clusters/iihe-glite-32/profiles/
- include machine type
- /CBv6/cfg/sites/iihe-production/site/os_version_db.tpl
- add os version for this machine
- /CBv6/cfg/sites/iihe-production/config/glite_base.tpl
- add direct route (?)
- /CBv6/cfg/clusters/iihe-glite-32/private/
- add this file
- /CBv6/cfg/sites/iihe-production/site/databases.tpl
- added ip address (? what is this address)
- added the hardware
- /CBv6/cfg/sites/iihe-production/site/config_grid.tpl -> Did not change this file but might need a parameter like ARGUS_HOST
- Modifying the rpm template
- Argus parameters:
- ARGUS_HOST: not set (?)
- PAP_HOST_DN: set DN of machine
- RPM updates:
- the rpm needed for argus are in
cd /opt/CB5/tmp/src/begrid/cb-client/cb-client-swrep/rpm-argus-glexec ./ --debug --mode=up --plat i386_glite_32_sl4,/grid/glite3/updates --dir=/opt/CB5/tmp/src/begrid/cb-client/cb-client-swrep/rpm-argus/
- Installation of the host
- To be able to install this host as a virtual machine, follow instructions on VirtWithKVM to set up the virtual disk correctly
- Attention; needed to add variable GLITE_UPDATE_VERSION = '21'; in the argus template to overcome rpm dependency issue
- The argus machine needs a host certificate
- UpdateCertificates
ccq:/opt/CB5/tmp/src/begrid/cb-client/ --mode=new --dir=/root/new-cert/ --att=OU=IIHE,, --debug
- After the installation the gridmapdir from cream02 needs to be shared
- On the cream02 add the following line in /etc/exports
- And make sure the changes are adopted
exportfs -avr
- On the argus add this in /etc/fstab /etc/grid-security/gridmapdir nfs hard,intr 0 0
- Then, mount the directory
mount -a
- Make sure that on both machines the nfs is running
service nfs status
Installation of glexec on the workernodes
- /QWG-lal/grid/glite-3.2/glite/cream_ce/ (machine config)
- cemonitor.tpl -> was up to date
- config.tpl -> updated (changelog: location of glexec)
- sudoers.tpl -> was up to date
- /QWG-lal/grid/glite-3.2/glite/wn/service.tpl -> updated (include GLEXEC_WN_INCLUDE variable)
- /QWG-lal/grid/glite-3.2/common/glexec/
- config.tpl -> updated
- cream_ce/config.tpl -> added
- wn/config.tpl -> added
- wn/service.tpl -> added
- wn/rpms/config.tpl -> added
- wn/rpms/x86_64/config.tpl -> added
- /QWG-lal/grid/glite-3.2/common/lcas/
- glexec.tpl -> was up to date (+home-made modifications for banning users)
- glexec_wn.tpl -> added
- /QWG-lal/grid/glite-3.2/common/lcmaps/
- glexec.tpl -> was up to date
- glexec_wn.tpl -> added
- /QWG-lal/grid/glite-3.2/users/glexec.tpl -> updated
- /QWG-lal/grid/glite-3.2/vo/functions.tpl -> updated
- Variables to set:
- GLEXEC_WN_INCLUDE in wn profile
- RPM updates:
- the rpm needed for glexec_wn are all in i386_glite_32_sl4 rpm template
- Parameters to be set for each workernode
variable GLEXEC_WN_ENABLED = true; variable GLEXEC_OPMODE = 'log-only'; variable GLEXEC_SCAS_ENABLED = false; variable GLEXEC_ARGUS_ENABLED = true; variable GLITE_UPDATE_VERSION = '16'; variable GLEXEC_ARGUS_PEPD_ENDPOINTS = list(''); # be careful on the secure (httpS) variable GLEXEC_LOG_DESTINATION = 'syslog'; variable GLEXEC_EXTRA_WHITELIST = list('.cms','.dteam');
- debugging:
- debugging at other site: