Update and request server certificates
All certificates for our machines will have to be updated every year. We will receive mails starting 2 weeks before the certificates expire.
the decision was taken to update all the certificates at once and Stein De Weirdt wrote a script to do just that.
The last update of the certificates happened on 2 mai 2008 on a cloudy but warm afternoon.
Log in on qnat and generate all the necessary certificates with this tool:
the tools help output gives:
Usage: --mode Mode: new,renew,conv,get (default: renew) renew: make new server requests from existing certificates (in directory --dir) and upload the requests get: - will make quattor templates in <--dir>/private - public key need to be put in <--dir>/PemDir (to be created) - the matching private key is looked for in <--dir> new: make new server request (with DN attributes --att and create the requests/key in --dir) --dir Read/write templates to/from dir (default: .) --debug Set debug mode. (default: False) --att DN Attributes, comma separated list eg (OU=IIHE,CN=gridce.iihe.ac.be,emailAddress=grid_admin@listserv.vub.ac.be) - assumes C=BE and O=BEGRID - emailAddress is mandatory (and should be last att)
1. Create/renew certificate
Create New Certificate
To create a new certificate, do:
/root/new-cert/certificate_tool.py --mode=new --dir=/root/new-cert/ --att=OU=IIHE,CN=behar050.iihe.ac.be,emailAddress=grid_admin@listserv.vub.ac.be --debug
Then, upload the -req- file to digicert. Only Shkelzen and Olivier have the correct authorizations to do this. Ask them to do it for you.
Renew Certificates
With the old crt (that can be found in the -req- files, you can renew your certificateS. Most should have an automatic renewal, so nothing needs to be done.
Download all the zip files containing the certificates and put them in /root/new-cert/Zips . To avoid mixing things up, better to first empty this directory
Remove everything from the 2 subdirectories private and PemDir. Their contents will be regenerated
/root/new-cert/certificate_tool.py --mode=extract --dir=/root/new-cert/
Look in PemDir, there should be as many .pem files as you put .zip files.
If not, some certificates might be in the wrong format. You can always download the correct one from the DigiCert interface. Just click on the certificate number and download in crt format.
Next, issue
/root/new-cert/certificate_tool.py --mode=get --dir=/root/new-cert/ --debug
all the certificates templates will be saved in /root/new-cert/private.
next step is to update all the quattor files and to make the clients connect for their new certificates.
For this, put the private templates on qclig, /opt/CB9/private.
cd /opt/CB9/svncheck/ ./runcheck
This will broadcast a message to all the machines and they will respond within 5 minutes and start updating. All services except one will update fine
We now check that the update was complete and for this we first log in to maite.
grep filecopy /var/log/ncm-cdispd.log
Or alternatively
less /var/log/ncm/component-filecopy.log
Now, check the certificate:
openssl x509 -in /etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem -noout -dates
And make sure the new end date is indeed a year from now.
7. We now perform a final check: log in to any UI and do
srmls srm://maite.iihe.ac.be:8443/pnfs/iihe/cms
also try to copy some files from storage to the use disk using dccp. All directories should be listed.
8. Restart argus service on argus
service argus stop service argus start
If this is not enough think of restarting the node.
If the DN of the machine changes (new certificate provider, ...) then its need to be added explicitly into the template of argus. The affected variable is PAP_HOST_DN.
IMPORTANT: the DN can change even while staying with the same provider! Check the old and the new DN with
openssl x509 -in /etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem -noout -subject
9. (Optional) Adapt GOCDB server entry
If the DN of the machine changes (especially needed for APEL) then go to the GOCDB page and edit the corresponding entry to reflect the new DN.