Upgrade Dcache Pool (180 REF)
- To upgrade a dcache pool from 180 to 195 the following steps work on pool-shadow testbed:
- Stop all dCache Components
/opt/d-cache/bin/dcache stop
- Download the RPMs
wget http://www.dcache.org/downloads/1.9/dcache-server-1.9.5-29.noarch.rpm scp ccq:/root/Joris/dcache-srmclient-1.9.5-23.noarch.rpm .
- Upgrade the RPMs
rpm -Uvh dcache-server-1.9.5-29.noarch.rpm rpm -Uvh dcache-srmclient-1.9.5-23.noarch.rpm
- Adapt the following files to point to the correct headnode
/opt/d-cache/config/dCacheSetup /opt/d-cache/etc/node_config
- Run install script
- Start dCache components
/opt/d-cache/bin/dcache start