Htc cheat sheet
List of online workernodes
condor_status --server
To put a node in draining
condor_drain <name_of_workernode>
Add the "-cancel" option to stop the draining.
Get a list of jobs and where they are running
condor_q -run
Get the list of jobs on a given worker
List of jobs on
condor_q -constraint 'regexp(".*", RemoteHost)'
Get the list of jobs in a given status
If you want to see jobs in run status (JobStatus == 2):
condor_q -constraint "JobStatus == 2" -nobatch
(-nobatch is to split the list when you submit a batch of jobs with queue > 1)
Here is the list of job statuses:
0 Unexpanded 1 Idle 2 Running 3 Removed 4 Completed 5 Held 6 Submission_err
View details about a job
condor_q -l <jobid>
Get info on a finished job
condor_history [-long] <jobid>
Why a job is on hold?
condor_q -hold -af HoldReason <jobid>
Why a job stays in idle status?
condor_q -better-analyze <jobid>