Htc test local
A simple local submission test
You must first login to a user interface (testumd-ui01.wn). Don't forget to switch to an ordinary user if you reached the user interface as root!
Create a sub file. Here is an example (sleep.sub):
executable = log = sleep.log output = outfile.txt error = errors.txt should_transfer_files = Yes when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT RequestMemory = 947 queue
You must then create the mentioned
#!/bin/bash # file name: id pwd TIMETOWAIT="6" echo "sleeping for $TIMETOWAIT seconds" /bin/sleep $TIMETOWAIT /usr/bin/hostname -f
You can now submit the job:
condor_submit sleep.sub
Check the status of the job with the command:
In case of troubles, you can have a look at the log file mentioned in the *.sub (sleep.log in this example).
When the job is finished, you should find the output (outfile.txt) and error (errors.txt) files in the current directory.