Htc test local
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A simple local submission test
You must first login to a user interface (testumd-ui01.wn). Don't forget to switch to an ordinary user if you reached the user interface as root!
Create a sub file. Here is an example (sleep.sub):
executable = log = sleep.log output = outfile.txt error = errors.txt should_transfer_files = Yes when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT request_memory = 2048 request_cpus = 1 #request_disk = 10240 queue
You must then create the mentioned
#!/bin/bash # file name: id pwd TIMETOWAIT="6" echo "sleeping for $TIMETOWAIT seconds" /bin/sleep $TIMETOWAIT /usr/bin/hostname -f
You can now submit the job:
condor_submit sleep.sub
Check the status of the job with the command:
In case of troubles, you can have a look at the log file mentioned in the *.sub (sleep.log in this example).
When the job is finished, you should find the output (outfile.txt) and error (errors.txt) files in the current directory.
The official documentation explaining in details job submission is available here.