TopTreeProducer Changelog
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TopTreeProducer Changelog
This page contains more documentation of all the changes made to the TopTreeProducer
CMSSW_44X branch
- Added getTrueNumInteractions() to the TRootEvent (for new PU reweighting)
- Added ak5GenJetNoNu to
- Added doBtagSF boolean to the config
CMSSW_42X branch
Apparently nobody added information of the first tags in 42X...
- Added FlavorHistory path info to the TRootEvent
- Added vPFMETProducer to store multiple PFMET collections
- Added b-tag and mistag scalefactors and errors to TRootJet
CMSSW_41X branch
Based on the CMSSW_311X branch (as it was on 22/03/2010). No changes where made.
- Added nPu variable (number of pileups) in the TRootEvent for reweighting
- Added check to see which L1 correction was applied and needs to be stored and a check if L2L3Residual was applied
- Added isolation for the muons and electrons in the PF2PAT sequence
CMSSW_311X branch
CMSSW_311X_v0 (tag not yet made!)
- Removed the MHT object (not used)
- Removed all corrections beyond L3 or L2L3Residual since they can be applied on-the-fly (and switched to the new JEC naming scheme)
- Removed cosmic muon stuff (not used anymore; removed the classes TRootCosmicMuon, CosmicMuonAnalyzer, CosmicMuonTrackAnalyzer and TRootTrack from the branch)
- Removed bunch of obsolete cfg files and removed the TowerRemover and the special "jets-no-electron" stuff
- Removed all the "normal" producers where a vector of producers exist (For CaloJets, JPTJets, PFJets, GenJets, Muons and Electrons)
- Removed try-catch from GenJetAnalyzer
- Added some MCParticles to be stored in the future in the MCAnalyzer (status 1 quarks, gluons and neutrino's)
- Removed unused/duplicated variables from the TRoot*Jet classes
- Removed obsolete HLT8E29 related stuff
- Removed the dataType option, since from now onwards toptree production will be only supported from PAT
- Changed input branch for PDFInfo from HepMCProduct to GenEventInfoProduct because the latter is also present in AOD, while the former isn't
- Added some dummy hltProducers names
- Added the id, pt, eta, phi of the TriggerObjects with the corresponding triggerpaths
CMSSW_38X branch
- added JPTJets
- splitted MET in CaloMet PFMet TCMet
- fixed some issues with running on 38X
- removed electron swiss cross
- updated electron conversion info
- added electron refsel vars
- added muon refsel vars
CMSSW_36X branch
- Cleaned up the b-tagging info (added new b-taggers, removed old and non-existing b-taggers)
- Added the swissCross variable for electrons, to reject fake electrons from ECAL spikes
- Added sumEt tot TRootMET and cleaned up the TRootMET constructors (a little bit)
- Added a TRootMHT class, which will store the MHT (which is only present in PAT)
- The TopSkimmer can now also reject events based on HLT info and on JSON file
CMSSW_36Xon35X branch
- hltNames.h was put in FrameWork/Common in 36X. Fixed this include in
- Updated HLTanalyzer. The init function from the hlt class was removed. Updated the code to the new constructor method.
- Fixed a bug in MCAnalyzer: HepMC::PdfInfo* to const HepMC::PdfInfo*
- Removed calculation of impact parameter wrt primary vertex from the MuonAnalyzer and Electronanalyzer, since this is now calculated in the standard PAT sequence (and added the values from PAT to TRootMuon and TRootelectron as dB() and dBError())
- Added TMLastStationAngTight for the muons
- Modified the definition of the relIso of the muon to the standard recommended definition
- Removed small mistake in TRootVertex::setTracksSize()
- Removed another small mistake in the constructors of TRootElectron
- Switched to root variables (Int_t, Float_t, Bool_t, ...) in all the TRoot* classes
- Made the HLTAnalyzer choose which HLT info to use (HLT, REDIGI, ...). The first and second choice can be provided in the cfg file as hltProducer1st and hltProducer2nd. These variables replace the hltProducer. Nothing was modified at the hltProducer8E29.
- Added a tools folder in the toptreeproducer. This folder now contains a macro which dumps the event content of the TopTree.
- Commented the variables related to the new electronId in the TRootElectron class since they are not yet supported by PAT. Also commented the corresponding methods in the ElectronAnalyzer.
- Added some includes to TRootGenTop.h to prevent compilation error
- The way HLT was stored was not optimal for data, e.g.: the fact that the map trigger-bit trigger-name can change over runs was not taken into account. To solve this, the HLT info is now stored into TRootHLTInfo objects where there is one per run inside the TRootRun. The way the trigger-names are accessed changed slightly so please have a look at Macro.C inside this tag.
- The skimmer was adapted to the change in HLT.
- Bugfix in HLTAnalyzer: when going back from run X to run Y (while run Y was already encountered before) the triggersummary was not reloaded. This is no problem for MC and for data it's only a problem when you don't process your pat-files ordered (which is not necesarry the case in CRAB). This is fixed now.
- NO changes to any TRoot* class.
- Added minus sign to d0() of the muon in the MuonAnalyzer to be synchronized with PAT (and the TOP PAG reference selections).
- Modified d0() and d0Error() of the Electron to be synchronized with PAT (and the TOP PAG reference selections).
- Removed some forgotten couts in the HLTAnalyzer.
- NO changes to any TRoot* class.
- Fixed bugs in NPGenEventAnalyzer regarding filling of leptons
- NO changes to any TRoot* class.
CMSSW_35X branch
- Added the TopTree skimmer. More info:
- Added a small (and probably temporary) fix for the support for TRootGenEvent and TRootNPGenEvent to the TopTree Skimmer.
- TopTree Skimmer just passes through the TRootGenEvent and TRootNPGenEvent is these lines are present in the skim.xml
- Added a small (and probably temporary) fix for the support for TRootGenEvent and TRootNPGenEvent to the TopTree Skimmer.
- This one contains some updates to the TopTree skimmer:
- Multiple input files now supported
- Some small improvements in the HLT-related variables
- This one contains some updates to the TopTree skimmer:
- Added the TRootVertex class (and corresponding analyzer)
- All TRoot* objects are now part of the TopTree namespace, so if you use TopTree's produced with this tag, you have to add "using namespace TopTree;" to your macro.
- Added a function which returns the trigger bit number if you give the name of the HLT path as an argument.
- TRootGenJet now inherits from TRootParticle (and not TRootJet), the corresponding analyzers are also fixed.
- Added nTracks and nHighPurityTracks to the TRootEvent, since on data we will need to cut on the fraction of high purity tracks to reject the scraping events.
- Added part of the luminosityBlock info which was forgotten in a previous submission (it never was filled with a value).
- Removed some obsolete variables from TRootEvent.h (CSA07 stuff,nBasicClusters and nSuperClusters) since nobody uses them.
- Added all the HLT8E29 stuff to store the info of an additional HLT menu.
- Removed all CSA07 stuff since it is useless at this point.
- TRootVertex now inherits from TVector3 instead of TRootXYZPoint
- Added protection against crash of HLTAnalyzer
- Added the special impact parameter values to the muon, see
- In order to use this tag to produce TopTrees in 35X, you need to check out some additional things:
- addpkg TrackingTools/IPTools V00-01-05
- checkdeps -a
- Some small modifications to the genJet config in the python directory (now uncleaned genJets will also be produced)
- Added vgenJetAnalyzer to allow multiple genJet collections to be stored
- Added special impact parameter values to the electron, see
- In order to use this tag to produce TopTrees in 35X, you need to check out some additional things:
- addpkg TrackingTools/IPTools V00-01-05
- checkdeps -a
- Removed forgotten cout in Electronanalyzer
- Added support for ak5GenJetsNoE to GenJetAnalyzer
- In order to use this tag to produce TopTrees in 35X, you need to check out some additional things:
- addpkg TrackingTools/IPTools V00-01-05
- checkdeps -a
- Added example code to read in a JSON file to the example macro's in the test directory
- Removed a bug from the ElectronAnalyzer (segmentation violation when running over SuperClusters)
- In order to use this tag to produce TopTrees in 35X, you need to check out some additional things:
- addpkg TrackingTools/IPTools V00-01-05
- checkdeps -a