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This page describes the procedure to generate all the necessary files to drive the database found in http://mon.iihe.ac.be/OldPnfsFiles/
Note that the password for mysql is to be found in the private 'password' template in quattor.

1) go to maite

cd /root/damadori/OldFiles
rm -f *.txt
rm -f all.sql

2) go to ccq

cd /root/Olivier/Old_pnfs_files
rm -f *txt
rm -f all.sql

make sure the file "Storage is up to date. This will be used to go to every storage box


3) back on maite

cd /root/damadori/OldFiles

4) back ccq:

cd /root/Olivier/Old_pnfs_files
rm -f all.sql
scp maite:/root/damadori/OldFiles/all.sql ./
scp all.sql mon:/root/Olivier/OldFiles

5) go to mon open a browser and point to


Log in a root and go to the database oldfiles and empty the table dirs. In sql parlance, this would be: then in a terminal:

mysql --max_allowed_packet=100M oldfiles -p < all.sql

if the command does not work:

mysql -p
set global net_buffer_length=1000000;
set global max_allowed_packet=1000000000;

and re-issue the mysql command after leaving mysql.
