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How to use a MyProxy server for long jobs ?

What we call a "long job" is typically a more than 24 hours long job. The validity of the proxies you can create with the voms-proxy-init command is limited to 24 hours for vo betest and 96 hours for vo beapps. If you need to run jobs which are expected to be longer than these limits, then you need to use a MyProxy server. A MyProxy is able to do automatic proxy renewal for your jobs and this way, you can avoid the well-known Globus error 131 ("user proxy expired"). Here is the procedure to do so :

  1. Make sure that the variable GT_PROXY_MODE is not set to "old" :
export GT_PROXY_MODE=""

2. Type this command :

myproxy-init -s myproxy.cern.ch -d -n --voms <your_vo>

A small explanation : the -s option is not necessary if the environment variable MYPROXY_SERVER is set to "myproxy.cern.ch", the "-d" option will ensure that the username will the DN of the certificate, and the "-n" option is to avoid passphrase.

3. Add/edit the following line to your JDL file :

MyProxyServer = "myproxy.cern.ch";

4. After that you can do a "voms-proxy-init" and submit your job.
