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Special seminar "Advanced statistics for discoveries"


9h - Welcome (Pascal, Jorgen)
9h15 - 10h30 - Reminder - black board (Jorgen)
10h45 - 12h30 - Reminder - black board (Jorgen)

    • Lunch break **

14h - 16h - RooStats introduction (Laurent, Alexandre, Florian, Thomas - with the help of Olivier, Abdel and Shkelzen)

additional material - IIHE PhD training lecture on statistics (G. Wilquet)

RooStats example

The afternoon session is aimed to introduce the very basics of the RooFit framework to the participants in order to apply them during the advanced lectures.
We plan to cover the following topics :

    • RooFit Variables definition.
    • Build an arbitrary PDF.
    • Generate events according to a PDF.
    • Perform a binned/unbinned fit of data using the Maximum Likelihood Method.
    • Quantify goodness of fit for binned and unbinned fits.

The material for this Tutorial can be found here :
In case of slow connexion with CERN try here:
