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to 1.9.12
- The manual can be found here
- Basically the following steps correspond to what is in the manual
- install postgres server and configure it
yum install -y postgresql postgresql-devel postgresql-jdbc postgresql-libs postgresql-python postgresql-server postgresql-contrib /etc/init.d/postgresql start chkconfig postgresql on
- pnfs setup:
- Install:
wget rpm -ivh pnfs-postgresql-3.1.18-1-SL5x.x86_64.rpm
- Configure:
vi /usr/etc/pnfsSetup ## Generated by ncm-dcache ## DO NOT EDIT database=/opt/pnfsdb/pnfs/info dbserverLevel=6 dbserverLog=/var/log/dcache/dbserver.log environment=/0/root/fs/admin/etc/environment hardlinks=on levelmask=0:-1:-1:-1:-1:-1:-1:-1 netmask=32 pmountdLevel=5 pmountdLog=/var/log/dcache/pmountd.log pnfs=/opt/pnfs pnfscopies=4 pnfsdLevel=5 pnfsdLog=/var/log/dcache/pnfsd.log shmclients=8 shmkey=1122 shmservers=40 trash=/opt/pnfsdb/pnfs/trash
- Import pnfs database:
- go to jefke.wn and in /storage/userbackup/Maite_Db_backup/ find a file with pnfsdb.tar (any will do).
- Untar it in the correct location. Hint: tar -tf to see where the tree structure of the tarball.
- This configures contains the metadata for the pnfs database
- Also copy the last file full_*.gz, which contains the full pnfs database.
su - postgres zcat <path to gzipped full database> | psql postgres
- install dcache and check md5sum on site
wget md5sum dcache-server-1.9.12-8.noarch.rpm must be 3b3f358e57ccd574df19131868c9f9e4 rpm -ivh dcache-server-1.9.12-8.noarch.rpm
- some config: in /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf ; put:
local all all trust host all all trust host all all ::1/128 trust
/etc/init.d/postgresql restart
- This section is optional, it initialises chimera which we don't use at the moment. SKIP this section
createdb -U postgres chimera createuser -U postgres --no-superuser --no-createrole --createdb --pwprompt chimera psql -U chimera chimera -f /opt/d-cache/libexec/chimera/sql/create.sql createlang -U postgres plpgsql chimera psql -U chimera chimera -f /opt/d-cache/libexec/chimera/sql/pgsql-procedures.sql
- Create db and user
createuser -U postgres --no-superuser --no-createrole --createdb --pwprompt srmdcache createdb -U srmdcache dcache
- Generate keys
##ssh-keygen -b 768 -t rsa1 -f /opt/d-cache/config/server_key -N "" ##ssh-keygen -b 1024 -t rsa1 -f /opt/d-cache/config/host_key -N "" ssh-keygen -b 768 -t rsa1 -f /opt/d-cache//etc/server_key -N "" ssh-keygen -b 1024 -t rsa1 -f /opt/d-cache//etc/host_key -N ""
- edit /opt/d-cache/etc/dcache.conf and add:
dcache.layout=head webadminAuthenticated=true
- execute following commands, this will start dcache:
/opt/d-cache/bin/dcache import cacerts /opt/d-cache/bin/dcache start
- edit /opt/d-cache/etc/layouts/head.conf to enable the correct services; Also edit /opt/d-cache/share/defaults/ if you want to use pnfs
- install a more recent version of dcap:
cd /etc/yum.repos.d/ wget yum install dcap
- This installs the following RPMs
dcap-2.47.5-0.x86_64.rpm libdcap-2.47.5-0.x86_64.rpm
- run pnfs and the pnfs startups script. This script needs to be ran only once.
/opt/d-cache/libexec/ /etc/init.d/pnfs start
- To /opt/d-cache/config/PoolManager.conf you have to add InstallDcache_PoolManagerConf
- Domains running on dCache:
- On the dcache 1.8.2 the following domains were running
lmDomain dCacheDomain pnfsDomain dirDomain adminDomain httpdDomain utilityDomain gPlazma-maiteDomain infoProviderDomain dcap-maiteDomain gridftp-maiteDomain gsidcap-maiteDomain srm-maiteDomain
- In the default configuration for 1.9.12 the following domains are started
dCacheDomain adminDoorDomain spacemanagerDomain namespaceDomain nfsDomain dirDomain infoDomain statisticsDomain httpdDomain gPlazmaDomain utilityDomain
- The complement of these are
- nfsDomain vs. pnfsDomain: name change? oth, nfsDomain is not mentioned in the manual
- adminDomain vs. adminDoorDomain: name change?
- gPlazma-maiteDomain vs gPlazmaDomain: name change?
- infoProviderDomain vs. infoDomain: name change?
- only in 1.8.2: lmDomain: not mentioned in 1.9.12 manual - deprecated?
- only in 1.8.2: dcap-maiteDomain, gridftp-maiteDomain, gsidcap-maiteDomain, srm-maiteDomain
- only in 1.9.12: spacemanagerDomain, namespaceDomain, statisticsDomain