Info exchange
Info exchange
Page for exchange of information on the coordinated Belgian Higgs analysis effort
== CERN H->ZZ->l+l-nunu analysis
EPS analysis:
CMS AN 2011-119
Pedro Silva and CMG root trees in Brussels (m machines): July 29, 2011: ~vanlaer/higgs/HZZ_ntuples/
Until April 14 2011
/SingleElectron/Run2011A-PromptReco-v1/AOD (for tag-and-probe)
From April 15 2011 on (available on Brussels T2)
/SingleElectron/Run2011A-PromptReco-v2/AOD (for tag-and-probe)
Skims are located at DBS instance cms_dbs_ph_analysis_02.
HEEP Skim: 1GSF electron + additional supercluster with Et > 20 GeV: /SingleElectron/threus-SingleElectron-Run2011A-PromptReco-v1-AOD-HEEPSkimOneGSFEleEt15HoE0.1-2ndSCEt20-Cert_160404-161216_7TeV_PromptReco_Collisions11_JSON-5dd39a99f418d98d2fdd39eaf145df25/USER
Analysis codes
Antwerpen QCD and H->WW->lnulnu analysis
Louvain Z+b analysis
CMSSW_3_9_9 and the following packages:
- V00-03-00 ElectroWeakAnalysis/WENu
- V08-03-10 PhysicsTools/PatAlgos
- V00-03-19 RecoEgamma/ElectronIdentification
- V1_1 UserCode/zbb_louvain
Brussels Z' analysis
Skims and root tree production in CMSSW_4_1_2
- cvs co UserCode/HEEPSkims
CMSSW_3_8 high-ET electron definition and selection