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On quattor svn
- copy/paste the content of an existing dcache pool profile (e.g. profile_behar080.iihe.ac.be)
- as we want to use private only address
- make sure the gridftp door is disabled:
variable DOOR_GRIDFTP = false;
- and do the necessary change (static route in maite) to ensure public FQDN (e.g behar080.iihe.ac.be) is mapped to private FQDN (e.g behar080.wn.iihe.ac.be)
- suggestion: maybe better than static routes, add rules to /etc/hosts in maite. This should be done via quattor of course.
- and do the necessary change (static route in maite) to ensure public FQDN (e.g behar080.iihe.ac.be) is mapped to private FQDN (e.g behar080.wn.iihe.ac.be)
- in the profile tpl uncomment the line that will make spma failing to allow us to setup the XFS for the pool partitions
- make sure add all the corresponding changes (e.g. in databases.tpl, os_version_db.tpl,... ) in both CB5 and CB6
- suggestion: use search command on svn (example: search on behar080)
- commit, runcheck and prepare for installation (aii-shellfe usual commands)
On the pool
- on the RAID adapter BIOS configure the RAID arrays
- use stripe size of 128kB
- At most 12 disks in RAID6
- enable cache write back feature
- do this for every RAID array
- after saving the RAID building process may take hours/days to complete
- restart the box and install (first pass)
- spma will fail because we explicitly introduce an rpm conflict
- copy the content of the variable MAKE_FS_SCRIPT to make_xfs.sh
- adapt the script to the new hardware specs
- variable sunit=256 for 128kB stripe size
- variable data_disks=10 for 12 disks in RAID6
- run the script
chmod 755 make_xfs.sh ./make_xfs.sh
Notice it may not work entirely at the first try because of various reasons. Make sure all the steps are correctly executed.
If not do the necessary changes and commit these changes back to the profile tpl for the record and for further use
- prepare the pool to restart
- in the profile tpl comment the line blocking spma and commit to svn
- run the following command to allow quattor to install the rest of the componenents
mv ks-post-install.log ks-post-install.log.1 reboot
- After it restarts follow the quattor configuration (second pass) with:
tail -f /var/log/ncm-cdispd.log
- When the configuration is finished look at /storage/1/. If it is empty you will have to configure the dcache manually:
- adapt in this file the java version according to the one actually installed
- edit /opt/d-cache/etc/dcache.conf and paste the following content
dcache.layout=${host.name} dcache.namespace=pnfs # The following is taken from the old dCacheSetup file. # Some configuration parameters may no longer apply. dcache.home=/opt/d-cache dcache.java.memory.heap=6144m dcache.java.memory.direct=1024m net.wan.port.min=20000 net.wan.port.max=25000 net.lan.port.min=33115 net.lan.port.max=33145 pool.dcap.port=0 dcache.java.options.extra=-server broker.host=maite.iihe.ac.be metaDataRepository=org.dcache.pool.repository.meta.db.BerkeleyDBMetaDataRepository metaDataRepositoryImport=org.dcache.pool.repository.meta.file.FileMetaDataRepository ftpPort=${portBase}126 dCapGsiPort=${portBase}128 parallelStreams=10 srmBufferSize=1048576 srmTcpBufferSize=1048576 dcache.log.dir=/var/log/dcache billingToDb=yes
- edit /opt/d-cache/etc/layouts/behar080.conf and paste the following content
[behar080Domain] [behar080Domain/pool] name=behar080_1 path=/storage/1/pool waitForFiles=${path}/setup lfs=precious tags=hostname=behar080 [behar080Domain/pool] name=behar080_2 path=/storage/2/pool waitForFiles=${path}/setup lfs=precious tags=hostname=behar080 [behar080Domain/pool] name=behar080_3 path=/storage/3/pool waitForFiles=${path}/setup lfs=precious tags=hostname=behar080 [behar080Domain/pool] name=behar080_4 path=/storage/4/pool waitForFiles=${path}/setup lfs=precious tags=hostname=behar080 [behar080Domain/pool] name=behar080_5 path=/storage/5/pool waitForFiles=${path}/setup lfs=precious tags=hostname=behar080 [behar080Domain/pool] name=behar080_6 path=/storage/6/pool waitForFiles=${path}/setup lfs=precious tags=hostname=behar080 [dcap-behar080Domain] [dcap-behar080Domain/dcap] [gsidcap-behar080Domain] [gsidcap-behar080Domain/gsidcap]
- create the pools
/opt/d-cache/bin/dcache pool create --size=27880G --lfs=precious /storage/1/pool behar082_1 behar082Domain /opt/d-cache/bin/dcache pool create --size=27880G --lfs=precious /storage/2/pool behar082_2 behar082Domain /opt/d-cache/bin/dcache pool create --size=22300G --lfs=precious /storage/3/pool behar082_3 behar082Domain /opt/d-cache/bin/dcache pool create --size=27880G --lfs=precious /storage/4/pool behar082_4 behar082Domain /opt/d-cache/bin/dcache pool create --size=27880G --lfs=precious /storage/5/pool behar082_5 behar082Domain /opt/d-cache/bin/dcache pool create --size=22300G --lfs=precious /storage/6/pool behar082_6 behar082Domain
Recompute the size (18438g and 14750g) for 3TB disks and keep a safe margin (few MB smaller that the expected netto formatted size)
22300 for /1 ;27880 for /2 and /3
- view the result
[root@behar082 pool]# /opt/d-cache/bin/dcache pool ls POOL DOMAIN SIZE FREE PATH behar082_1 behar082Domain 27880G 27944G /storage/1/pool behar082_2 behar082Domain 27880G 27944G /storage/2/pool behar082_3 behar082Domain 22300G 22355G /storage/3/pool behar082_4 behar082Domain 27880G 27944G /storage/4/pool behar082_5 behar082Domain 27880G 27944G /storage/5/pool behar082_6 behar082Domain 22300G 22355G /storage/6/pool
- Start dcache deamons
/opt/d-cache/bin/dcache start
- back on the pool, configure dcache via quattor
ncm-ncd --co dcache
- configure symlink via quattor
ncm-ncd --co symlink
- last steps
scp ccqg:./dcache-core /etc/rc.d/init.d/dcache-core scp ccqg:./dcache-pool /etc/rc.d/init.d/dcache-pool chkconfig --level 2345 dcache-core on chkconfig --level 2345 dcache-pool on
- reboot
- after it restarts follow the configuration
tail -f /var/log/ncm-cdispd.log
- you may have to stop gridftp it is not yet the case
/opt/d-cache/bin/dcache status /opt/d-cache/bin/dcache stop /opt/d-cache/bin/dcache start /opt/d-cache/bin/dcache stop gridftp ncm-ncd --co dcache
- run on maite
ncm-ncd --co dcache