Account creation
To ease access to the LDAP master server, we have installed the Web interface phpLDAPadmin (also called "PLA") on it. To use this interface, just type the following address in your browser :
The login DN to use for user management is :
(Of course, you know the password !) Once successfully logged, you will see on the left a treeview showing the different sub-domains existing under dc=tier2,dc=be. New CMS accounts from UCL are to be created under the sub-domain dc=irmp, in the organisational unit ou=People. Click on "Create new entry here" under "ou=People", then choose the "UCL specific: User Account" template and fill in the form with the information the user has sent to you by email.
Be aware that non-overlapping UID number ranges were agreed :
- from 501 to 1500 for UCL's users;
- from 20501 to 20700 for IIHE's users.
Home directory creation
Log on to the fileserver (jefke) and create the user's home directory with the correct permissions :
mkdir /storage/user/<login_name> chown <login_name>:localusers /storage/user/<login_name>
The last step is to copy the user's SSH public key in his authorized_keys file :
mkdir /storage/user/<login_name>/.ssh chown <login_name>:localusers /storage/user/<login_name>/.ssh chmod 700 /storage/user/<login_name>/.ssh cat >> /storage/user/<login_name>/.ssh/authorized_keys chmod 600 /storage/user/<login_name>/.ssh/authorized_keys