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  • Clone the template-library-core (here in version 17.2.0):
cd cfg/core/
git clone -b "17.2.0" 17.2.0
rm -fr 17.2.0/.git

  • Add the proxy for the new version in quattor:

Edit the file sites/iihe-production/site/repositories.pan and add your version to the list:

variable QUATTOR_VERSIONS = list('17.2.0', '16.12.0', );

This will automatically configure a proxypass on proxy machine to point to the quattor repo and activate the cache.
You should see on proxy in the file /etc/httpd/conf.d/locations.conf this snippet added:

<Location /17.2.0/>
        ProxyPassReverse /
CacheEnable disk /17.2.0