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Latest revision as of 12:29, 26 August 2015







This module is executed after reconstructing the ttbar generated event and after selecting the semi-leptonic ttbar decay into a muon (on generator level).

    • When matching is done, no jet is used twice and no parton is used twice!!!
    • Input is the selectedLayer1Objects and the generated ttbar event, genEvt.
    • For the calculation of the expected light and b JEC in bins of pT and eta, the default values of the ptbins and etabins can be found in python/
    • at least 1 muon, pT > 20, |eta| < 2.5 and isolated: vetoEM<4, vetoHad<6
    • at least 4 jets, pT > 30, |eta| < 2.5
subdir name of plot description/method remarks
hExpLightJECIncl (quarkEnergy-jetEnergy)/jetEnergy when the 4 quarks are matched!
hExpBJECIncl (quarkEnergy-jetEnergy)/jetEnergy when the 4 quarks are matched!
LowestPtMatchedJet_Rank jet with the lowest pT, matched to parton -> it's rank when the 4 quarks are matched!
LowestPtMatchedJet_Pt jet with the lowest pT, matched to parton -> it's pT when the 4 quarks are matched!
mWHad_Gen sum p4 of 2 light partons -> mass() when the 4 quarks are matched!
mWLep_Gen sum p4 of muon and neutrino -> mass() when the 4 quarks are matched!
mtHad_Gen sum p4 of the 3 quarks from top -> mass() when the 4 quarks are matched!
mtLep_Gen sum p4 of muon, neutrino and parton -> mass() when the 4 quarks are matched!
mWHad_Rec sum p4 of 2 light jets -> mass() when the 4 quarks are matched!
mWLep_Rec sum p4 of highest pT muon and MET -> mass() when the 4 quarks are matched!
mtHad_Rec sum p4 of the 3 jets from top -> mass() when the 4 quarks are matched!
mtLep_Rec sum p4 of highest pT muon, MET and b-jet -> mass() when the 4 quarks are matched!
Dphi_HadTops ROOT::Math::VectorUtil::DeltaPhi(tHadGen,tHadRec) when the 4 quarks are matched!
Dphi_LepTops ROOT::Math::VectorUtil::DeltaPhi(tLepGen,tLepRec) when the 4 quarks are matched!
Deta_HadTops fabs(tHadGen.eta() - tHadRec.eta()) when the 4 quarks are matched!
Deta_LepTops fabs(tLepGen.eta() - tLepRec.eta()) when the 4 quarks are matched!
DR_HadTops ROOT::Math::VectorUtil::DeltaR(tHadGen,tHadRec) when the 4 quarks are matched!
DR_LepTops ROOT::Math::VectorUtil::DeltaR(tHadGen,tHadRec) when the 4 quarks are matched!
Dphi_Tops_Rec ROOT::Math::VectorUtil::DeltaPhi(tHadRec,tLepRec) when the 4 quarks are matched!
Dphi_Tops_Gen ROOT::Math::VectorUtil::DeltaPhi(tHadGen,tLepGen) when the 4 quarks are matched!
DR_Tops_Rec ROOT::Math::VectorUtil::DeltaR(tHadRec,tLepRec) when the 4 quarks are matched!
DR_Tops_Gen ROOT::Math::VectorUtil::DeltaR(tHadGen,tLepGen) when the 4 quarks are matched!
minJetMuVSminQuarkMu smallest angle between jet and muon versus the smallest angle between the quarks and generated muon when the 4 quarks are matched!
minJetsVSminQuarks smallest angle between the 4 jets versus the smallest angle between the 4 quarks when the 4 quarks are matched!
QuarksMatchedJetRadiationMultiplicity # jets matched to radiated partons when the 4 quarks are matched!
QuarksMatchedHighestPtRadMatchedJet_Rank among the 4 highest pT jets, if at least 1 is matched with radiation, take the one with the highest pT -> rank when the 4 quarks are matched!
QuarksMatchedHighestPtRadMatchedJet_Pt among the 4 highest pT jets, if at least 1 is matched with radiation, take the one with the highest pT -> pT when the 4 quarks are matched!
LowestPtQuarkMatchedJetPt_vs_HighestPtRadMatchedJetPt 4th plot in list versus plot above when the 4 quarks are matched!
JetRadiationMultiplicity # jets matched to radiated partons when at least one of the 4 quarks is not matched!
HighestPtRadMatchedJet_Rank among the 4 highest pT jets, if at least 1 is matched with radiation, take the one with the highest pT -> rank when at least one of the 4 quarks is not matched!
HighestPtRadMatchedJet_Pt among the 4 highest pT jets, if at least 1 is matched with radiation, take the one with the highest pT -> pT when at least one of the 4 quarks is not matched!
UnmatchedQuarkMultiplicity # unmatched quarks among the 4 primary when at least one of the 4 quarks is not matched!
ExpectedJECinbins ExpectedLightJEC_etabinX_ptbinY same as inclusive but in bins of pT and eta fitted with gaussian over 1/3 of the X-axis around the bin with the highest content
ExpectedJECinbins ExpectedBJEC_etabinX_ptbinY same as inclusive but in bins of pT and eta fitted with gaussian over 1/3 of the X-axis around the bin with the highest content


This module is executed after reconstructing the ttbar generated event.

    • object can be "lJets", "bJets", "muon", "electron", "met" (input is the selectedLayer1Objects and the generated ttbar event, genEvt)
    • resolutions are calculated as a function of pT and eta (except for MET, only as a function of pT, so by default only 1 etabin)
    • for the default values of the ptbins and etabins, look at python/
    • electrons and muons are required to match with the generated particle within DR 0.1
    • jets are required to match with the generated particle within DR 0.3
    • jets are required to match with the generated particle within DR 1000. (basically no requirement)
    • ares, bres, cres and dres: resolution on "a", "b", "c" & "d" with "a", "b", "c" & "d" according to the definition (CMS-NOTE-2006-023)
    • thres, phres, etres and etares: resolution on theta, phi, ET and eta
    • NOTE: more then one object can be matched to the same particle (e.g. 2 jets can be matched to the same parton)
name of plot description/method remarks
object_ares_etabinX_ptbinY reconstructed value - generated value fitted with gaussian over 1/3 of the X-axis around the bin with the highest content
object_bres_etabinX_ptbinY reconstructed value - generated value fitted with gaussian over 1/3 of the X-axis around the bin with the highest content
object_cres_etabinX_ptbinY reconstructed value - generated value fitted with gaussian over 1/3 of the X-axis around the bin with the highest content
object_dres_etabinX_ptbinY reconstructed value - generated value fitted with gaussian over 1/3 of the X-axis around the bin with the highest content
object_thres_etabinX_ptbinY reconstructed value - generated value fitted with gaussian over 1/3 of the X-axis around the bin with the highest content
object_phres_etabinX_ptbinY reconstructed value - generated value fitted with gaussian over 1/3 of the X-axis around the bin with the highest content
object_etres_etabinX_ptbinY reconstructed value - generated value fitted with gaussian over 1/3 of the X-axis around the bin with the highest content
object_etares_etabinX_ptbinY reconstructed value - generated value fitted with gaussian over 1/3 of the X-axis around the bin with the highest content
object_ares_etabinX for each pt-bin, mean and width of gaussian fit is used fitted with "[0]+[1]*exp(-[2]*x)", "x" is pT-dependence
object_bres_etabinX for each pt-bin, mean and width of gaussian fit is used fitted with "[0]+[1]*exp(-[2]*x)", "x" is pT-dependence
object_cres_etabinX for each pt-bin, mean and width of gaussian fit is used fitted with "[0]+[1]*exp(-[2]*x)", "x" is pT -dependence
object_dres_etabinX for each pt-bin, mean and width of gaussian fit is used fitted with "[0]+[1]*exp(-[2]*x)", "x" is pT-dependence
object_thres_etabinX for each pt-bin, mean and width of gaussian fit is used fitted with "[0]+[1]*exp(-[2]*x)", "x" is pT-dependence
object_phres_etabinX for each pt-bin, mean and width of gaussian fit is used fitted with "[0]+[1]*exp(-[2]*x)", "x" is pT-dependence
object_etres_etabinX for each pt-bin, mean and width of gaussian fit is used fitted with "pol1", "x" is pT-dependence
object_etares_etabinX for each pt-bin, mean and width of gaussian fit is used fitted with "[0]+[1]*exp(-[2]*x)", "x" is pT-dependence
