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Rucio instructions at T2B


Rucio web requests are handled via

Some Rucio vocabulary:

RSE: Rucio Storage Element. In our case this is T2_BE_IIHE (and not the name of the se)
DID: Data identyfier;  is used to represent any set of file, dataset or container identifier. Data identifiers are unique over time. So they are never reused.
rule: a data transfer. This includes DID, RSE and possible end time when the files are deleted again.
lock: a tranfereed file
scope: in our case the scope is cms.

Find the full info on:

Make a rucio request on T2B as a user

- initialise the env:

source /cvmfs/
source /cvmfs/
voms-proxy-init -voms cms -rfc -valid 192:00
export RUCIO_ACCOUNT=`whoami`

- in rucio, a transfer is called a rule. In order to create a rule:

rucio add-rule cms:/CMS/DATA/SET/NAME 1 T2_MY_SITE  
rucio add-rule cms:/CMS/DATA/SET/NAME#BLOCK-NAME 1 T2_MY_SITE

- if there is a lot of data, add


- as a user, rules need to be approved by the admins. This is done with 2 extra modifiers:



--lifetime (in seconds; for reference, 30 days is 2592000 seconds)

Summary to request a rule as a user

rucio add-rule cms:/CMS/DATA/SET/NAME 1 T2_BE_IIHE --asynchronous --ask-approval --lifetime 7776000 
(3 months)

- now wait for the admins to approve your rule (usually within the day)

Getting more info about your request

- you can check your rules:

rucio list-rules --account $RUCIO_ACCOUNT List all the rules you have and their state
rucio rule-info [RULE_HASH] monitor the progress of your rule and any transfers it may have initiated


rucio list-rules --account $RUCIO_ACCOUNT
ID                                ACCOUNT    SCOPE:NAME                                                                                                                                        STATE[OK/REPL/STUCK]    RSE_EXPRESSION      COPIES  EXPIRES (UTC)        CREATED (UTC)
--------------------------------  ---------  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------  ----------------  --------  -------------------  -------------------
eafda759f4ae4128b49fede980db5622  odevroed   cms:/Neutrino_E-10_gun/RunIISummer17PrePremix-PUAutumn18_102X_upgrade2018_realistic_v15-v1/GEN-SIM-DIGI-RAW#0149acf0-6b06-43c9-b99f-dfc531b6eecb  OK[235/0/0]             T2_BE_IIHE               1  2021-02-19 15:11:47  2021-01-20 15:11:47

rucio rule-info eafda759f4ae4128b49fede980db5622
Id:                         eafda759f4ae4128b49fede980db5622
Account:                    odevroed
Scope:                      cms
Name:                       /Neutrino_E-10_gun/RunIISummer17PrePremix-PUAutumn18_102X_upgrade2018_realistic_v15-v1/GEN-SIM-DIGI-RAW#0149acf0-6b06-43c9-b99f-dfc531b6eecb
RSE Expression:             T2_BE_IIHE
Copies:                     1
State:                      OK
Grouping:                   DATASET
Expires at:                 2021-02-19 15:11:47
Locked:                     False
Weight:                     None
Created at:                 2021-01-20 15:11:47
Updated at:                 2021-01-20 15:36:07
Error:                      None
Subscription Id:            None
Source replica expression:  None
Activity:                   User Subscriptions
Comment:                    None
Ignore Quota:               True
Ignore Availability:        False
Purge replicas:             False
Notification:               NO
End of life:                None
Child Rule Id:              None

More info here

Information for the T2B admins

- requests can also be done for users, but I have not tested this.

- users can also be given quota’s

- datasets can be grouped into containers. This can be handy if several datasets are needed for a specific analysis. All of then can then also be removed together if the analysis is finished. This is done via rucio containers. More info here.

At the moment of writing this document, these were the settings for our site:

rucio list-rse-attributes T2_BE_IIHE
T2_BE_IIHE:              True
cms_type:                real
country:                 BE
ddm_quota:               3355000000000000
lfn2pfn_algorithm:       cmstfc
pnn:                     T2_BE_IIHE
quota_approvers:         odevroed,rougny,srugovac
reaper:                  True
region:                  C
rule_approvers:          odevroed,rougny,srugovac
source_for_total_space:  static
source_for_used_space:   rucio
tier:                    2

You can see the data stored on a T2 by issuing the following command:

rucio list-rse-usage T2_BE_IIHE --show-accounts