Using local cloud
1. Start using our cloud
Follow these steps :
a. Request an access to the cloud
To request activation of your account, open the following URL in your browser :
You will be warned by email when your request is approved. This mail should also tell you how to connect to the cloud web-interface.
b. Connect to the cloud web-interface
Open the following URL in your browser :
c. How to configure your cloud account
To get access with [wiki:User_SSH SSH] to your Linux VMs, you will need to upload your public SSH key into your !OpenNebula account. This way, when you create a new VM, an account will automatically be configured so that you can log in with SSH.
To upload your public key, follow this recipe :
1. Connect to the cloud web-interface (see previous section) 1. Go to your account settings by clicking on your username (represented by your mail address in the upper right corner), and then choosing "Settings" in the menu that appears 1. In the "Config" tab of the "Settings" form, click on the "Update SSH key" button 1. Copy/paste your SSH public key in the field and then click on the blue button below the field to validate
On this [wiki:User_Upload_SSH_key_in_Sunstone page], you'll find the same recipe explained with screen captures.
d. Create and manage your VMs
In your view, there are 3 tabs : Dashboard, VMs and Templates.
The "Dashboard" tab gives you an overview of your current usage in a few figures.
The "Templates" tab describes the available templates.
The "VMs" tab is where you can manage your VMs. From this tab, you can follow this simplified procedure to create a new VM : 1. Click on the "plus" button 1. Select a template 1. Click on the green "Create" button.
When the status of the VM has switched to "Running" (green square), you can go to the next point to learn how to connect to it.
On this [wiki:User_Quick_VM_Creation page], you'll find the VM creation steps explained in details with screen captures.
e. Access your VMs
Launch your Linux terminal and issue the following command : {{{ ssh <user_name>@<your_vm_ip_address> }}}
where <user_name> is the user name indicated in the documentation of the template, and <your_vm_ip_address> is the IP address that is indicated in status of the VM.
2. Advanced topics
Hosting a public service
TBD (request to open ports in the firewall)
Requesting a new template
Data exchange with the VM