- The several relevant files:
- in quattor, sites/.../config/ : script that is called each time you connect as non-root to an ui.
- on UIs, /user/motd_news: the portion to add Announcements.
- in quattor, sites/.../config/motd.tpl : just does the copy of in /etc/profile.d/ for relevant hosts.
- The announcements is present only if NEWS is not set to "" in motd_news. The message is in purple by default ($PURP), and is automatically set back to $DEF at the end. Try to keep the message's lines about the same size as the rest.
- To erase it, just put back :
- Example:
NEWS=" $INFO There will be a shutdown of the whole T2B infrastructure due to power 18/01 being down at the CC from : Monday 25/01 queues : 8am | whole cluster : 3pm to Tuesday 26/01 6pm (this is deadline, could be up before) "