Community Driven Site Status Board
Step 1: Design phase
Step 2: Study of needed tools
- The backend database will be an sqlite3 database. This might not be the most suitable database for time-stamped entries but for this small size project it probably serves well.
- sqlite3 is installed on mon
- More links to usefull tutorials:
- A short overview of the commands I use in the command line sqlite3 environment
sqlite /root/joris/CDSSB/test.db create table t1 (t1key INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, timeStamp DATE, status TEXT, entryName TEXT, severity INTEGER); drop table t1 .tables .schema t1 .dump t1 insert into t1 (timeStamp,status,entryname,severity) values (date('now'),'All is fine','Joris',4); select * from t1;
- The frontend webpage will be written in php.
- Links with tutorials:
- Location of files and uesfull php commands