update instructions.
Remark, these instructions are for the mostly for the headnode, but will work fine on the pools also. Some files do not exist in the pools. If one is asked to overwrite a file, always say YES.
This only on Headnode
SSHDcache cd PoolManager save
For all:
/opt/d-cache/bin/dcache stop rpm -e dcache-server '''#java versions could differ on pools as they have different OS's''' rpm -e java-1.6.0-openjdk-devel- java-1.6.0-openjdk- java-1.6.0-sun-compat- rpm -e jdk-1.6.0_20-fcs rpm -ivh jdk-7u40-linux-x64.rpm rpm -ivh dcache-2.2.23-1.noarch.rpm
both rpms can be found on ccq:/root/Olivier/RPMs/Update
cp -r /opt/d-cache/etc/* /etc/dcache/. cp /opt/d-cache/etc/authorized_keys /etc/dcache/admin/. cp /opt/d-cache/etc/*key* /etc/dcache/admin/. cp /opt/d-cache/config/PoolManager.conf /var/lib/dcache/config/poolmanager.conf cp /opt/d-cache/etc/dcache.conf.rpmsave /etc/dcache/dcache.conf
edit /etc/dcache/dcache.conf
replace {portBase} by 22 add: dcache.user=root change value of dcache.home to /usr/share/dcache comment out this line: metaDataRepositoryImport=org.dcache.pool.repository.meta.file.FileMetaDataRepository mv /opt/d-cache/etc/dcachesrm-gplazma.policy.rpmsave /etc/dcache/dcachesrm-gplazma.policy edit /etc/dcache/dcachesrm-gplazma.policy also this file as it contains references to the /opt layout.
Only on headnode:
edit /var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf put max_connections to 1000 restart the machine