ncm-apel only writes the configuration file for both the ce/gk and the rgma-server
- RGMA_SERVER: /opt/glite/etc/glite-apel-publisher/publisher-config.xml
- CE/GK: /opt/glite/etc/glite-apel-pbs/parser-config.xml
What is needed (only once) is to configure the mysql-server on the RGMA-server to accept the APEL data. This data is fed into the db through cron-jobs
- RGMA_SERVER: /etc/cron.d/apel-publisher.ncm-cron.cron
- CE/GK: /etc/cron.d/apel-pbs-log-parser.ncm-cron.cron
Run the commands in these jobs to see if all is working well.
Initial configuration
- set APEL_HOME vairable (eg check the cron job)
export APEL_HOME=/opt/glite
Run the following script to setup the accounting DB-structure on the RGMA-server only: /opt/glite/share/glite-apel-core/scripts/apel-db-config.py Follow the instructions on what to add as variables (values such as user, db adn password can be found in the /opt/glite/etc/glite-apel-publisher/publisher-config.xml file). Eg. /opt/glite/share/glite-apel-core/scripts/apel-db-config.py --user accounting --password yeah_right --database accounting --gkhost gridce.iihe.ac.be --cehost gridce.iihe.ac.be -o ./accounting.sql It will create a .sql-file. Then one has to run
mysql -u root -p < ./accounting.sql
Then run the cron-jobs to test the config.
Remark 1: when you see something like
apel-publisher - Checking valid CPU spec data exists apel-publisher - program aborted apel-publisher - Cannot generate any accounting records because no cpu spec value is defined in the SpecRecords table, spec values are added when running the CPUProcessor, check user documentation for more help
First run the cron-job on the CE, it will fix this.
Remark 2: because we have separate private routes from our CE to pur RGMA-server, we had to add an extra line in the accounting.sql to allow connection through this interface (CE is gridce.iihe.ac.be, private address is gridce.wn.iihe.ac.be).
use mysql; INSERT INTO user (host,user,password,create_priv, drop_priv) VALUES ('gridce.wn.iihe.ac.be','accounting',password('yeah_right'),'Y','Y'); flush privileges;
Accessing the mysql database
- To access the database on APEL
mysql -u accounting -h apel.iihe.ac.be -p
- The password can be found in
cat /etc/accounting.conf