JDL submission
This solution can be used to launch jobs on the clusters without using CMSSW/CRAB when it's relevant !
Here are described the main general steps for the submission and a example a tools available for jobs executing a root-compiled code
General steps
1) test:
glite-wms-job-list-match -a -c glite-wms2.conf myjdlfile.jdl
2) submit:
glite-wms-job-submit -a -c glite-wms2.conf -o FileWhichContainInfo myjdlfile.jdl
3) status:
glite-wms-job-status FileWhichContainInfo
4) getoutput:
glite-wms-job-output --dir DirToStorageOutput -i FileWhichContainInfo
Tools available
Code location
cvs co UserCode/TopBrussels/TopTreeProducer/test Files:
- launch.sh
- glite-wms2.conf
- template.sh
- template.jdl
Use launch.sh: ./launch.sh
with the different options (steps):
- -makeJDL myCode myRootOutputFile.root -> will create a test.jdl
- -test myJDLfile.jdl -> check if jdl file is conform
- -submit myJDLfile.jdl myLabel will use glite-wms2.conf file to submit the job
- -status myLabel ...
- -getoutput myLabel: -> retrieve the output and store it
More information
See the presentation attached: [Grid_JDLSubmission.pdf]