Configuration of dCache v1.9.5 pool
- See section "Creating and configuring pools" on
- Installing_dcache_pool gives a description on how to add a pool v180
Headnode settings
- On the headnode in PoolManager.conf add these lines
psu create pool pool2-shadow psu create unit -net psu addto ugroup all_net psu addto ugroup in_net psu addto ugroup in_server psu addto pgroup cms pool2-shadow psu addto pgroup becms pool2-shadow psu addto pgroup default pool2-shadow psu addto pgroup out_buf pool2-shadow psu addto pgroup phedex_pools pool2-shadow
Pool node settings
- behar030 has been used as the reference storage box
- Install dcache software
wget rpm -ivh dcache-server-1.9.5-29.noarch.rpm wget rpm -ivh dcache-srmclient-1.9.5-23.noarch.rpm
- In the v180 setup the dCacheSetup file differs from the template file with several aspects
- ourHomeDir and ourHome are set
- serviceLocatorHost is defined to hostname
- java version is not set to a specific version
- java_options are different
- metaDataRepository, metaDataRepositoryImport, parallelStreams, srmBufferSize, srmTcpBufferSize, billingToDb parameters are set explicitely
- logArea=/var/log/dcache is set to specific subdirectory
- The v180 file has been put in place with the necessary changes
- The v195 is kept
- PoolManager.conf: seems to be the default file in v180 and the v195 and v180 don't seem to differ
- dcache.kpwd: put file of behar030 in place
- dcachesrm-gplazma.policy: put behar030 file in place
- logConfig.xml: kept v195 file
- node_config: set behar030 version of file but change the
- srm_setup.env keep 195 file
- /opt/pnfs/etc/pnfs_config: no such file
- /usr/etc/pnfsSetup: no such file
- generate keys
cd /opt/d-cache/config/ ssh-keygen -t rsa1 -b 768 -f ./server_key -N "" ssh-keygen -t rsa1 -b 1024 -f ./host_key -N ""
- run install script
- make log directory
mdkir /var/log/dcache
- look into for the procedure to add a pool to the headnode
- In short it goes like this
- there is a poollist file on the pool node /opt/d-cache/config/pool2-shadow.poollist. It contains this line
pool2-shadow /storage/1/pool sticky=allowed recover-space recover-control recover-anyway lfs=precious tag.hostname=pool2-shadow
- must make sure this /storage/1/pool/data directory exists, in this case made a symlink to a larger partition
ln -s /var/storage /storage mkdir /var/storage
- then create the pool
/opt/d-cache/bin/dcache pool create 20g /storage/2/pool/
- Don't forget to add the pool in PoolManager.conf on the headnode and restart dcache on both headnode and poolnode
- some more directories are created when the dcache is started
- scp ccq:/root/dCache_essential_config/behar030_essential_config/setup /storage/1/pool/setup.orig.behar
- Add lcg-CA rpms
wget mv EGI-trustanchors.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/ yum install ca-policy-egi-core yum install lcg-CA
- start dcache
/opt/d-cache/bin/dcache start