Installing dCache 1.9.5 on machine with extended Quattor template
- This page describes the steps needed to get dCache up and running on a machine that was deployed with a quattor template that was extended for dCache
- The dCache 1.9.5 manual
- The steps below follow basically what is described in the manual
- Start postgresql, Quattor will take care of this after reboot
/etc/init.d/postgresql start
- In /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf add
local all all trust host all all trust host all all ::1/128 trust
- and restart
/etc/init.d/postgresql restart
- Create db and user
createuser -U postgres --no-superuser --no-createrole --createdb --pwprompt srmdcache createdb -U srmdcache dcache
- Generate keys
ssh-keygen -b 768 -t rsa1 -f /opt/d-cache//etc/server_key -N "" ssh-keygen -b 1024 -t rsa1 -f /opt/d-cache//etc/host_key -N ""
- Import pnfs database:
- go to jefke.wn and in /storage/userbackup/Maite_Db_backup/ find the last files and copy to the machine
scp jefke.wn:/storage/userbackup/Maite_Db_backup/full_1334628123-pnfsdb.tar /var scp jefke.wn:/storage/userbackup/Maite_Db_backup/full_1334628123.gz /var
- Untar it in the correct location. Hint: tar -tf to see where the tree structure of the tarball.
- This configures contains the metadata for the pnfs database
cd /opt tar -xvf /var/full_1334628123-pnfsdb.tar mv opt/pnfsdb/ . rm -rf opt/
- Populate the pnfs database
su – postgres zcat /var/full_1334628123.gz | psql postgres
- A whole set of config files need to be adapted InstallDcache195ExtConfigFiles
- Run install script of dcache.
- Before you do this you have to remove /pnfs, it is put there by quattor to make all /store/user/username directories.
rm -rf /pnfs/
- Make sure pnfs is running
/opt/pnfs/bin/pnfs start
- Needed a little hack in the script to mount fs from localhost (really needed, I don't think so)
- with line 260 replace RET=${RET:-localhost} by RET="localhost"
- The poolmanager.conf can be found here InstallDcache_PoolManagerConf
- In case the machine name is not anymore some additional changes need to be performed:
- /pnfs/fs/admin/etc/config/serverName
- /pnfs/fs/admin/etc/config/dCache/dcache.conf
- vi "/pnfs/iihe/cms/store/user/odevroed/.(config)(dCache)/dcache.conf"
- more info in the dcache book in the section Global Configuration with Wormholes
- Run this
touch /pnfs/fs/admin/etc/config/dCache/'.(fset)(dcache.conf)(io)(on)'
- To be able to use the admin interface:
cd /root/.ssh scp ccq:/root/dCache_essential_config/keys/dcache_admin_key . scp ccq:/root/dCache_essential_config/keys/ . scp ccq:/root/dCache_essential_config/keys/dcache_admin_config . cat ~/.ssh/ >> /opt/d-cache/config/authorized_keys
- Go to the admin interface
ssh -F /root/.ssh/dcache_admin_config admin@localhost