Installation of a dCache v1.9.5 headnode
Installation of the machine
- Installed a base machine
- It is a virtual machine on with 2 CPUs and 2GB of RAM
- The name was not chosen maite due to quattor configuration issues.
- How to install a VM: VirtWithKVM1
- This machine was installed not with a file image but with a physical disk for hosting the UI
- The XML for the machine is InstallDcache_VMXML
- This page overviews the steps for setting up a new headnode with dCache 1.9.5
- it imports the pnfs database from running 1.8.0
These are preliminary tests to upgrade to 1.9.5 first.
install dcache
get it from:
get config from old maite
replace /opt/d-cache/etc
with the ones on a production machine
/opt/d-cache/install/ -jdbcUrl=jdbc:postgresql://localhost/dcache -jdbcDriver=org.postgresql.Driver -dbUser=postgres -dbPass=
Install phpPgadmin
fetch the tar ball from and install it.
to do this, untar the thing, mv it to /var/www/html/phpPgAdmin and point the browser to
Next, edit /var/www/html/phpPgAdmin/conf/
and put extra_login_security to false
Then, login as postgres with no password.
Operating and monitoring the dcache headnode
- The dcache is operated with
/opt/d-cache/bin/dcache [status|start|restart|stop]
- In case of troubles config files for all Cells are in
- A web interface is available here
localhost:2288 localhost:8080
- Install a browser on the machine
yum install firefox