IceCube software

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Centralised CVMFS repository for the IceCube Software.

This software repository contains all related IceCube software tools

How to use it

  1. Load the IceCube CVMFS:
    eval `/cvmfs/`
    Old version (IceCube recommend to use the py2-v2 for new projects) :
    eval `/cvmfs/`
  2. Load a metaproject:
    Metaprojects are located under $SROOT/metaprojects

Local Build

PLEASE use CVMFS metaprojects when possible. Local builds are meant for specific development purpose


The custom software area


Sources of software to install


Icecube specific tools


This folder contains the I3 ports used by icecube (meta-)projects

In order to use it, you must define the environment variable $I3_PORTS

export I3_PORTS="/software/icecube/ports"

This variable is set only for the current session and will be unset after logout, to avoid typing this each time, you can add this command to your .bashrc

List installed ports

$I3_PORTS/bin/port installed

List available ports

$I3_PORTS/bin/port list

Install a port

$I3_PORTS/bin/port install PORT_NAME


This folder contains the offline-software meta-project

To use it, just run the following command (note the point at the beginning of the line)

. /software/icecube/offline-sofware/[VERSION]/ 

Available versions:

  • V14-02-00

This folder contains the icerec meta-project

To use it, just run the following command (note the point at the beginning of the line)

. /software/icecube/icerec/[VERSION]/

Available versions

  • V04-05-00
  • V04-05-00-jkunnen

This folder contains the simulation meta-project

To use it, just run the following command (note the point at the beginning of the line)

. /software/icecube/simulation/[VERSION]/

Available versions:

  • V03-03-04
  • V04-00-08
  • V04-00-09
  • V04-00-09-cuda


This folder is the old software area. We strongly recommend you to build your tools in the /software directory