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What you will find on this page

Some useful commands, mainly based on ldapsearch, to extract meaningful information from BDII.

Some useful links to documentation




Useful commands

Get the list of top-bdii's

lcg-infosites --vo all bdii_top

Get the list of VOs supported by the CEs from a given country

Example for UK :

ldapsearch -x -h top-bdii.cern.ch -p 2170 -b o=grid "(&(objectclass=GlueCE)(GlueCEUniqueID=*.ac.uk*))" | grep "GlueCEAccessControlBaseRule: VO:" | sort | uniq | cut -d: -f3

List of CEs from a given country

Example for UK :

ldapsearch -x -h top-bdii.cern.ch -p 2170 -b o=grid "(GlueCEUniqueID=*.ac.uk*)" GlueCEInfoHostName | grep GlueCEInfoHostName: | sort | uniq | cut -d: -f2

List of all sites that have a CE

ldapsearch -x -h top-bdii.cern.ch -p 2170 -b o=grid "(objectclass=GlueCE)" dn | egrep -e "^#(.*), local, grid$" | cut -d, -f 2 | sort | uniq

List of CEs of a given site

Example for BEgrid-ULB-VUB :

ldapsearch -x -h top-bdii.cern.ch -p 2170 -b o=grid "(objectclass=GlueCE)" dn | egrep -e "^#(.*), local, grid$" | grep BEgrid-ULB-VUB | cut -d: -f1 | tr -d '# ' | sort | uniq

List of CEs supporting a given VO

Example for beapps :

ldapsearch -x -h top-bdii.cern.ch -p 2170 -b o=grid "(&(objectclass=GlueCE)(GlueCEAccessControlBaseRule=VO:beapps))" dn | egrep -e "^#(.*), local, grid$" | cut -d: -f1 | tr -d '# ' | sort | uniq

List of sites having a CE supporting a given VO

Example for beapps :

ldapsearch -x -h top-bdii.cern.ch -p 2170 -b o=grid "(&(objectclass=GlueCE)(GlueCEAccessControlBaseRule=VO:beapps))" dn | egrep -e "^#(.*), local, grid$" | cut -d, -f2 | sort | uniq

List of sites exposing cloud IaaS resources

(Found here)

ldapsearch -x -H ldap://lcg-bdii.cern.ch:2170 -b GLUE2GroupID=grid,o=glue "GLUE2ServiceType=IaaS" | grep GLUE2ServiceAdminDomainForeignKey